Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Your Fault (Culpables, #2) by Mercedes Ron Review


This is a spoiler-free review! You can read my review of My Fault (Culpa Mía) on my blog, hereMy Fault (Culpa Mía) is now available to stream on Amazon Prime Video, and Your Fault (Culpa Tuya) will be available to steam on December 27th, 2024.

As a major fan of the After series by Anna Todd, this series has reminded me so much of the complicated love we saw between Hardin and Tessa, and with Nick and Noah, it definitely ups the stakes in terms of tough romances. They are still dealing from the events in My Fault, and it truly feels as though Noah is going through it so much more compared to Nick because of her reactions and how everything has affected her, whereas Nick is constantly worrying when Noah is not with him. They definitely start to form this codependent relationship, and it is much more heavy coming from Nick - he becomes more controlling, and frankly, I found myself not loving his character in this second installment.

Both Steve and Rafaella do not condone Nick and Noah's relationship, and their distaste for it is even more present as this story progresses. Rafaella is certainly the forefront of the anti-Nick-and-Noah's relationship, and while it is understandable considering everything Noah and Rafaella have been through, I will always be rooting for that forbidden romance. Lion and Jenna's relationship has a larger presence in this book, and it was nice to see Nick's dedication to Lion as a friend, as well as Jenna and Noah's friendship as they both struggle with having boyfriends involved in dangerous business.

The introduction of a few new side characters with a bit of a villainous side causes the plot to shift from mostly romance to more of a constant struggle of Nick and Noah's wants and needs, and I will admit that it began to feel repetitive. Each pose a problem for Nick and Noah, yet it seems that Noah is the one who always ends up getting hurt. Their age gap definitely feels more noticeable in this book compared to the first, where they felt closer in age, but with their lives being pulled into different directions in Your Fault, it is a constant reminder that they are in different stages of life.

Nick is really going through it in this book, and she is battling internal battles with everything she has gone through, as well as trying to find a happy medium with Nick that makes her happy without causing her mother to take drastic actions. She is emotionally vulnerable and on edge every second she is alone, and it does not help matters that Nick does love to keep a secret from her, even when he is doing it with good intentions. Their communication really needed to improve, and I understand that there were points where Nick was trying to protect Noah, but with her streak, he should have seen her intercepting everything from a mile away.

So much happened in this book, and it was tough to put it down -- it is something you can definitely finish in one sitting, and from the looks of the trailer for Your Fault, the movie will be pretty book-accurate and fast-paced. Once again we had Nick and Noah's perspectives in this book, and I have to say, Nick's perspective was giving major stalker vibes at some points - he worries about Noah, but he was really taking it to the next level, and it was a hit to his character development for me. He became controlling of her life and was not listening to her, even when she would constantly choose him over literally anything else in her life.

If you are looking for an angsty-romance read, this series is for you -- for fans of After by Anna Todd and the Perfect Addiction movie/Wattpad story, you will be thrown into a romance that has everyone wondering, whose fault is it?

You can add Your Fault on Goodreads now, and follow the author to stay up to date on releases and publications.

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