Sunday, August 20, 2023

It's Our Secret by Willow Winters Review

This is a spoiler-free review! You can read my review of A Single Glance on my blog, here.

I had such a great time reading Winters's first installment of the Irresistible Attraction series, so when I saw that It's Our Secret was available for free on iBooks, I knew I had to read it, especially since I was in the mood to read a stand alone. The bickering between Dean and Allie was *chef's kiss* and very much appropriate for college students, it did not seem overly childish or too mature for their age. And with the knowledge that they were once involved with one another, it definitely adds on to the complexity of their characters as we try to figure both of them out as the story goes on.

Compared to the only other book by Willow Winters I have read, I would say that It's Our Secret is definitely on the spicier side of her work. This is new adult, but it really does read more so like an adult novel in the sense that I think the dynamic between Dean and Allie would have worked better if they had already graduated college, rather than still be students.

I do have to say that Dean and Allie's relationship definitely went from 0 to 100 very quick, so much so that I felt as if it was done over the course of a nine page chapter, and then all of a sudden they were fooling around with one another. Since the book is on the shorter side, I should have expected some quick revelations, but it just was not having the pace that I expected. 

There is a ton of mystery surrounding Allie and her past, especially when it comes to her self confidence and the way that she chooses to present herself to people. Dean's backstory is more fleshed out from the beginning and it makes the reader more interested in his character than in Allie, at least in my opinion. We really dive deep into Allie's past as the story approaches the third act, and it definitely adds much needed insight on her character and on the choices she makes.

The chapters are super short, which makes the story fly by so fast that at some points I was not even sure if I was processing what was on the page before the point of view changed or we were somewhere else in the story. Allie's emotions are all over the place and I felt like I was going to get whiplash from the amount of times she would change her mind about Dean or about the way she felt about anything that became an obstacle for their forming relationship.

Allie has a death wish like girl what in the world where you thinking??? She really saw a potentially dangerous situation and said yes, this is exactly the plan I need to finally get closure. Girl be so serious for two seconds and think about the hundreds of ways things could go wrong before just walking in blind and hoping for the best, because that clearly worked the last time. I was truly perplexed on how she thought what she was doing was going to end up going the way that she wanted it to, without any repercussions. 

I am still confused on what exactly the genre for this book was supposed to be -- romantic thriller? Romance with a hint of suspense? Contemporary? Honestly even after finishing the book I am a loss for how to categorize it without leaving out some of the aspects of the story. It had a strong beginning but then slowly became a touch choppy as we approached the third act, which felt as if it flew by, and then we were at the end.

You can add It's Our Secret on Goodreads now, and follow the author to stay up to date on releases and publications.

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