Friday, March 31, 2023

The Rousing by Paula Black and Jess Raven Review

This review contains spoilers! The Rousing is currently available for free on iBooks and Kindle.

A big shout out once again to the free romance section on iBooks -- you may let me down sometimes, but man do you deliver on occasion. Darcy lives in a coastal village in Ireland with her twin brother, Liam, and when stranger Jack comes to town on inheritance business, Darcy is not prepared for what is to come. Thrust together after a number of unfortunate circumstances, they must both begin to face reality and the supernatural together.

We only get Darcy's point of view in this story, and I wish we got a glimpse of what it was like in Jack's mind as they continued to get to know each other as the story unfolded. Based on the summary for the novella, I was expecting the story to go in a different direction, and once I realized we were not headed where I thought we were, I was a little disappointed. I was expecting some form of modern day Sanditon meets Dark Shadows, but was left a tad unsatisfied. 

If you are expecting Jack to saunter in as a dark and brooding vampire, you will be disappointed -- but not for longer. Darcy does have common sense (yay!) and her character is enjoyable to follow as she learns more about Jack and the supernatural lore surrounding their village. The pacing of the book definitely allows you to read it quickly -- it does not drag on and the plot moves fast, and so do the smut scenes. We get a pretty decent scene between Darcy and Jack after only a few chapters, and I loved the way that they incorporated the lore of the town and what Jack does for business. The foreplay was fun and overall it was a great scene that definitely leaves the reader wanting more.

Darcy basically feels this insta-love for Jack, and honestly, who can blame her. He's tall and handsome, and a long-lost childhood friend who has finally returned after his mother's death. Just my type. They both have this banter going on between them before the tension really picks up, and you find yourself rooting for their relationship even though they have only just "met" a few hours prior.

For some reason, this is yet another book where the relationship between twin siblings is very much on the edge of incestuous infatuation, and I cannot go on any longer if this keeps happening. Liam and Darcy are way too involved in each other's lives, and yes, their mother passed away and their father is slowing disappearing before their eyes, but surely they have got to have some friends to get support from.

I found myself really enjoying Jack's character, and once again wish that we were able to have at least one chapter in his perspective. If you are looking for a quick and mildly steamy read, this is definitely the book for you, and will make you want to read even more of Black and Raven's works.

You can add The Rousing on Goodreads now, and follow the author to stay up to date on releases and publications.

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