Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Elora the Unknown by Laura Leigh Todd Review

I received this book from a Goodreads giveaway - I definitely recommend looking through the current giveaways that Goodreads has to offer in various genres and categories. This review does not contain any major spoilers for Elora the Unknown.

I have to say, I originally expected this book to be a little different than I first imagined - I did not realize that Elora would be 12 years old. I do have to say that I was pleasantly surprised at the world building and pacing of the book, especially with the mentioning of minor gods and goddesses throughout the book. However, I did find that at some points, the plot became quite predictable and I found myself being able to skim the page rather than reading the page in its entirety. If you skimmed some of the pages, especially towards the end of the book, you probably would not be missing much. 

The friendship that Elora makes with the boy she met in the temple when visiting the Oracle of Delphi is really genuine, and you can see their trust in each other grow as they encounter constant challenges and trials while on their journey. They were quite enjoyable to read, especially when mischief would get in the way of completing certain aspects of the quest to save her mother's life.

My favorite part of the book would definitely have to be when they were in the Underworld - that's truly where the story actually picked up and did not lag, as there was a constant flow of plot devices used to keep the reader engaged, all while showing the progression of Elora's confidence in herself and thoughtfulness towards various deities. 

This was not my typical read, and I would definitely recommend it to a younger audience rather than Young Adult. I would definitely recommend this to younger fans of the Harry Potter series and Percy Jackson and the Olympians series.

You can add Elora the Unknown on Goodreads now, and follow the author to stay up to date on publications and releases.

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