Saturday, July 13, 2024

The Witch Collector (Witch Walker, #1) by Charissa Weaks Review

This is a spoiler-free review!

Yet another free iBook that has proven itself to me... love a good fantasy read, and the dynamic between Raina and Alexus was exactly what I was looking for in my next read. The premise reminded me a lot of The Wrath and the Dawn by Renee Ahdieh in the sense of an unexpected bond. I absolutely loved the use of sign language throughout this book, and the author did a great job incorporating Raina's use of signs and her perspective in communicating with others who do not know the language.

A decent amount of this book spends its time with Raina and Alexus riding throughout the forest and hiding away from attackers, while building upon their relationship as they began to get to know one another. There were times where this began to make the story seem to lag, but I was personally so invested in their dynamic that I was able to push through and read through those sections relatively quickly.

The magic and lore in this series seems very interesting -- I only wish that the author spent more time diving into the background of it in order to expand upon its importance. Raina would touch upon the basics as she expanded her abilities, but I felt as though we could have been provided with more information. Especially considering that we really do not start learning about the specifics until we are well into the story -- at least at the halfway mark. That being said, the integration of gods, magic, and tales grabbed my attention and kept me inclined to see this story through.

Side characters provided important discoveries and developments as Raina and Alexus became more acquainted with each other. Nephele, Raina's older sister, was a major plot device for her initial distain of the Witch Collector we grew to love, and the Prince of the East had a similar aura comparable to The Darkling from The Grishaverse by Leigh Bardugo. The other side characters played some important roles, but I found myself wanting more of the romance in those instances. I definitely believe they added a lot to the story, but they were not drawing my attention as much I had hoped.

As far as world-building goes, this first installment certainly sets up the relationships and introduced readers to the lore of the land. My hope would be that the second book dives much deeper into the magic, as this book did a great job diving into the background of the gods and their intricate involvement with each other. I can see the potential that this series has, and I look forward to continuing on with Alexus and Raina's story.

I would recommend this series to those looking to fill the void that Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor has left, and to readers searching for a gateway entrance to the fantasy genre.

You can add The Witch Collector on Goodreads now, and follow the authors to stay up to date on releases and publications.

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