Monday, May 13, 2024

Winter Untold (Summer Unplugged, #3) by Amy Sparling Review

This is a spoiler-free review! You can read my reviews of Summer Unplugged and Autumn Unlocked on my blog now!

Bayleigh is once again obsessing over the fact that her hot racer boyfriend has an ever-growing fan club of girls that surround him at every waking moment. While she was definitely showing signs of maturing in Autumn Unlocked, it felt as though she was regressing in this installment. She is back to being glued to her phone and stalking her boyfriend's tagged photos on Facebook, along with avoiding any and all confrontation to talk about her feelings with Jace.

Meanwhile, Chase, her new neighbor, has moved in and clearly is crushing on Bayleigh while she remains utterly oblivious to every advance he makes. I will say that Chase somehow became the voice of reason in this book and actually gave Bayleigh some pretty solid advice when she expressed her concerns over all of the girls that were posting pictures with Jace. I do wish that there was actually some conflict in this book -- it was mostly one-sided internal hurt on Bayleigh's end, while Jace was completely in the dark in regards to her feeling insecure in their relationship.

Becca's presence is more involved compared to the other books, and she seemed to be the driving force in a lot of Bayleigh's jealous tendencies. She does have her moments, but to put it plainly, Bayleigh needs to chill out before she destroys her relationship with Jace on her own. There are pages and pages of her moping about how many girls will post pictures with Jace, but she literally refuses to do anything about it and only lets her jealousy boil over.

I truly would have preferred some sort of love triangle at any point during this book, just to make the plot more interesting and actually have something intriguing happen with any of the characters. I think I will give the fourth novella a shot before deciding if I want to move forward to seeing this series through, because 11 novellas is pushing my patience just a little bit. Every character -- except Jace -- in some serious need of character development and some frontal lobe formation in the next novella, because the maturity level -- or lack thereof -- is baffling.

If you are looking for a quick contemporary romance read that has low stakes, you may enjoy this seasonal series.

You can add Winter Untold on Goodreads now, and follow the author to stay up to dat eon releases and publications.

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